Sumundara Gupta
Sumundara Gupta Samudragupta (reigned 335-380) was the second ruler of the Gupta Dynasty, who ushered in the Golden Age in India. He was a benevolentRead More »Sumundara Gupta
Sumundara Gupta Samudragupta (reigned 335-380) was the second ruler of the Gupta Dynasty, who ushered in the Golden Age in India. He was a benevolentRead More »Sumundara Gupta
Kanishka Kanishka was the king of the Kushana Empire in South Asia. Kanishka is considered to be one of the foremost significant rulers of theRead More »Kanishka
Ashoka Ashoka also called Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from CA.Read More »Ashoka