October 01, 2022

Ghaisuddin Balban

Ghaisuddin Balban Balban was an Ilbari Turk. His original name was Bahauddin. In his youth, he was imprisoned and sold as a slave in Baghdad by the Mongols. Then Iltutmish purchased him from his master in 1233. He enjoyed high posts during Iltutmish and Razia’s reign, but he proved treacherous and played a very important […]

October 01, 2022

Nasiruddin Mahmood

Nasiruddin Mahmood Nasiruddin Mahmud was the posthumous child of the eldest son of Iltutmish Shahzada Nasiruddin. Because of his extreme love for the eldest son, Iltutmish gave the same name to his eldest son to his grandson. Iltutmish wanted the young baby to be considered his son and not grandson for dynastic reasons. So we […]

October 01, 2022

Shamsuddin Iltutmism

Shamsuddin Iltutmism Shamsuddin Iltutmish was a slave of Qutbuddin Aibak. Because of the good education and wide knowledge of the Islamic world, which he acquired during the first days of his adversity, he quickly rose to be the amir- i- shikar and son-in-law of his master within a decade. In 1206, he held the charge […]

October 01, 2022

Qutbuddin Aibak

Qutbuddin Aibak Qutbuddin Aibak is known in history as the founding father of the slave dynasty and it’s believed that the dynasty derives its name from Qutbuddin who was originally a slave. But it’s also true that before accession, Qutbuddin had received the letter of manumission from his master (Mohammad Ghori) and came to accession […]