October 01, 2022

Ibrahim Lodhi

Ibrahim Lodhi After the death of Sikandar Shah, his eldest son Ibrahim was placed on the throne on 21st November 1517 with the unanimous consent of the Afghan Nobles and he took up the title of Ibrahim Shah. He was intelligent, courageous, and brave. He had a reputation for piety and orthodoxy. Like his father, […]

October 01, 2022

Sikandar Lodhi

Sikandar Lodhi Bahlol Lodhi was succeeded by his son Nizam Khan who took up the title of Sikandar Shah. There was some hesitation on the part of the nobles to just accept Sikandar Shah as their ruler as his mother was the daughter of a goldsmith and her son was more of a plebeian than […]

October 01, 2022

Bahlul Lodhi

Bahlul Lodhi Bahlol Lodhi was the founding father of the Lodhi Dynasty. In 1419, Sultan Shah, his uncle was appointed the Governor of Sirhind by Khizar Khan and given the title of Islam Khan. Farishta tells us that Islam Khan married his daughter to Bahlol and although he had his sons, he nominated Bahlol as […]