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How to Calculate Fitrana Amount –

How to Calculate Fitrana Amount—

Known by most as Fitrana, Sadqa al-Fitr is the charity that all Muslims must give after Ramadan, regardless of whether they can fast. One way to express gratitude to Allah SWT for the valuable month of Ramadan is through charitable giving. With this money, low-income people can purchase food, clothing, and other festive items for themselves and their families to celebrate Eid al-Fitr. Therefore, paying the Fitrana at any point before Namaz e Eid al-Fitr is best so that those who qualify can make the necessary arrangements. Every household’s head can pay the Fitrana on behalf of every family member. We can help you if you need help with how to compute fitra or the fitra quantity.

Sadqa al-Fitr is now required by Allah for all Muslims, regardless of wealth, and it is only a tiny sum, making it easy for anyone who wishes to pay it.

Hadees: As related by Ibn ‘Umar, “Sadaqa-tul-Fitr has been obligatory by Allah’s Apostle SAWW to all people, young and old, free men and enslaved people alike. It was required to be paid in one sa’ of dates or one sa’ of barley.”

Fitrana Sum

Fitrana is required of all Muslims, even those who are minors. It equals 2.25 kg of rice, flour, or other staple food, or Rs. 320 in Pakistan in 2023. If you’re fortunate enough to have plenty, you can pay more for Fitrana.

Fitrana Qualifications

The recipients you can pay the Fitrana amount to are the same ones that are qualified for this money:

  1. The underprivileged (low-income households)
  2. Those in need (those experiencing hardship)
  3. Administrators of Zakat who disperse New Muslims
  4. Captives and enslaved people
  5. Individuals with debt are stranded or need more finances when travelling.

Having learned how to compute the Fitrana amount for Ramadan 2023, consider giving the required amount to people in need to enhance the delight of their Eid-ul-Fitr.


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