Majestic SEO

September 18, 2023
Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO is a well-known tool for analyzing the backlink profile of websites and gaining insights into their SEO performance. To create a table of contents for a discussion about Majestic SEO, you might structure it like this:

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Majestic SEO
    • What is Majestic SEO?
    • Why is it important for SEO?
  2. Key Features of Majestic SEO
    • Backlink Analysis
    • Site Explorer
    • Trust Flow and Citation Flow
    • Keyword Checker
    • Competitive Analysis
  3. Using Majestic SEO for SEO Research
    • Analyzing Backlinks
    • Identifying Link Opportunities
    • Assessing Competitor SEO Strategies
    • Tracking Your Website’s Performance
  4. Majestic SEO Metrics Explained
    • Trust Flow
    • Citation Flow
    • Topical Trust Flow
    • Referring Domains
    • Backlink Anchor Text
  5. Majestic SEO vs. Other SEO Tools
    • Comparing Majestic SEO to Ahrefs
    • Comparing Majestic SEO to Moz
    • Pros and Cons
  6. How to Get Started with Majestic SEO
    • Creating an Account
    • Navigating the Dashboard
    • Setting Up Projects
    • Running Reports
  7. Majestic SEO Pricing
    • Subscription Tiers
    • Free vs. Paid Features
    • Pricing Models
  8. Common Use Cases
    • SEO Audits
    • Link Building
    • Content Strategy
    • Competitor Analysis
  9. Tips and Best Practices
    • Interpreting Majestic SEO Data
    • Leveraging Insights for SEO Strategy
    • Staying Updated with SEO Trends
  10. The Bottom Line
    • Recap of Majestic SEO’s Benefits
    • Final Thoughts on Its Role in SEO

This table of contents outlines a comprehensive discussion about Majestic SEO, including its features, applications, metrics, pricing, and best practices. You can use it as a guide to structure your content or presentation when discussing Majestic SEO.

Introduction to Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO is a powerful and widely used tool in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It is designed to help website owners, digital marketers, and SEO professionals analyze and improve their online presence by providing valuable insights into the backlink profile and overall performance of websites. In this section, we will delve into what Majestic SEO is and why it holds significant importance in the world of SEO.

What is Majestic SEO?

Majestic SEO, often referred to as Majestic, is an online platform specializing in backlink analysis and website research. It was founded by Alex and Dixon Jones in 2004 and has since become one of the go-to tools for SEO experts and web administrators. Majestic SEO offers a comprehensive suite of features that enable users to:

  • Analyze Backlinks: Majestic SEO provides detailed information about the backlinks pointing to a website, including the number of backlinks, referring domains, and the quality of those links.
  • Site Explorer: Users can explore the entire backlink profile of a website, uncovering its link-building history and identifying potential areas for improvement.
  • Trust Flow and Citation Flow: Majestic SEO introduces metrics like Trust Flow and Citation Flow, which help assess the quality and influence of a website’s backlinks.
  • Keyword Checker: It offers keyword research capabilities to identify relevant keywords and phrases for SEO optimization.
  • Competitive Analysis: Users can compare their website’s performance to that of competitors, gaining insights into their SEO strategies.

Why is it important for SEO?

Majestic SEO holds several key advantages that make it essential for SEO practitioners:

  1. Backlink Analysis: Backlinks are a crucial factor in SEO success. Majestic SEO’s in-depth backlink analysis helps users understand the quality of their backlink profile, which can influence search engine rankings.
  2. Competitor Insights: By comparing your website’s performance to competitors, you can identify gaps in your SEO strategy and find opportunities for improvement.
  3. Keyword Research: The keyword checker tool aids in identifying relevant keywords and phrases to target in your content, increasing the likelihood of ranking higher in search results.
  4. Trust and Authority Metrics: Trust Flow and Citation Flow provide insights into a website’s trustworthiness and influence, helping users make informed decisions about link building and partnerships.
  5. Link Building: Majestic SEO can be used to discover potential link-building opportunities, allowing you to build a more robust backlink profile.
  6. Content Strategy: By understanding which content on your site attracts the most backlinks, you can refine your content strategy and focus on producing high-performing content.

Key Features of Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO offers a robust set of features designed to assist website owners, digital marketers, and SEO professionals in optimizing their online presence. Here are the critical elements of Majestic SEO:

  • Backlink Analysis:
    • Overview of Backlinks: Majestic SEO provides a comprehensive overview of a website’s backlink profile, including the total number of backlinks and referring domains.
    • Detailed Backlink Data: Users can access detailed information about individual backlinks, such as anchor text, source URL, and the Trust Flow and Citation Flow of the linking domains.
    • Historical Data: Majestic SEO offers historical data on backlinks, allowing users to track changes in their link profile over time.
  • Site Explorer:
    • In-Depth Website Analysis: Site Explorer allows users to explore and analyze any website’s backlink profile. It provides insights into the source of backlinks, anchor text usage, and other vital metrics.
    • Competitor Analysis: Users can compare their website’s backlink profile with that of competitors, helping identify opportunities and weaknesses.
  • Trust Flow and Citation Flow:
    • Trust Flow: Trust Flow is a metric that measures the trustworthiness and quality of a website’s backlinks. It helps users understand the authority and credibility of a website.
    • Citation Flow: Citation Flow measures the number of backlinks a website has. It can be used to gauge the website’s visibility and influence.
  • Keyword Checker:
    • Keyword Research: The Keyword Checker tool assists users in conducting keyword research. It helps identify relevant keywords and phrases that can be targeted in content optimization efforts.
    • Keyword Metrics: Users can view keyword metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and competition, aiding in informed keyword selection.
  • Competitive Analysis:
    • Competitor Comparison: Majestic SEO enables users to compare their website’s performance to that of competitors. This feature helps in understanding the competitive landscape and identifying areas for improvement.
    • Backlink Gap Analysis: Users can uncover opportunities by analyzing which websites link to competitors but not their sites.

Using Majestic SEO for SEO Research

Majestic SEO is a versatile tool that can be used for various aspects of SEO research. Here’s how you can utilize it for essential SEO research tasks:

  • Analyzing Backlinks:
    • Access the Site Explorer: Start by entering the website URL you want to analyze in Majestic SEO’s Site Explorer.
    • Review Backlink Metrics: Explore the backlink profile of the website, paying attention to metrics like the total number of backlinks, referring domains, Trust Flow, and Citation Flow.
    • Examine Individual Backlinks: Investigate individual backlinks to identify their source, anchor text, and the quality of the linking domains.
    • Historical Data: Utilize Majestic SEO’s historical data to track changes in the website’s backlink profile. This helps you assess the impact of past link-building efforts.
  • Identifying Link Opportunities:
    • Competitor Analysis: Compare your website’s backlink profile with your competitors. Identify domains that are linking to competitors but not to your site. These are potential link-building opportunities.
    • Topical Trust Flow: Use Topical Trust Flow to find websites within your niche or industry with high trust and authority. These websites may be ideal candidates for outreach and link acquisition.
  • Assessing Competitor SEO Strategies:
    • Backlink Analysis: Analyze your competitors’ backlink profiles to understand their link-building strategies. Identify which domains are contributing the most to their authority.
    • Keyword Analysis: Use Majestic SEO’s Keyword Checker to find keywords that competitors are ranking for. This can help you discover valuable keywords to target in your content.
    • Content Analysis: Explore the content on your competitor’s websites. Identify the type of content that attracts backlinks and social shares. This can inspire your content creation strategy.
  • Tracking Your Website’s Performance:
    • Regular Site Audits: Periodically run Site Explorer reports for your website to monitor changes in your backlink profile. Look for increases or decreases in backlinks, referring domains, and trust metrics.
    • Keyword Tracking: Continuously track your website’s keyword rankings using Majestic SEO’s keyword research tools. Monitor changes in keyword positions to gauge the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.
    • Competitor Tracking: Keep an eye on your competitors’ websites to see how their backlink profiles and rankings evolve. This can inform your SEO strategy adjustments.

By using Majestic SEO for these research tasks, you can gain valuable insights into your website’s performance, discover link-building opportunities, stay competitive in your industry, and make data-driven decisions to improve your SEO strategy over time.

Majestic SEO Metrics Explained

Majestic SEO provides several vital metrics to help you evaluate the quality and authority of websites and backlinks. Here’s an explanation of these key metrics:

  • Trust Flow:
    • Definition: Trust Flow is a metric that measures the trustworthiness and quality of a website’s backlink profile. It assesses the authority of the backlinks pointing to a website based on the proximity to trusted and authoritative sources on the web.
    • Use Case: A higher Trust Flow score indicates that a website has more authoritative backlinks, which can positively impact its search engine rankings. Trust Flow is a valuable metric for assessing the credibility and trustworthiness of a website.
  • Citation Flow:
    • Definition: Citation Flow is a metric that measures the quantity of backlinks a website has. It evaluates the sheer volume of links without considering their quality or relevance.
    • Use Case: Citation Flow can help you gauge the visibility and influence of a website based on the number of backlinks. However, a high Citation Flow alone doesn’t necessarily indicate a high-quality backlink profile. It should be considered alongside Trust Flow for a more comprehensive assessment.
  • Topical Trust Flow:
    • Definition: Topical Trust Flow is an extension of Trust Flow that categorizes the backlinks and topics associated with a website. It provides insights into the thematic relevance and authority of a site’s backlinks.
    • Use Case: Topical Trust Flow helps you understand the specific areas or niches in which a website has established authority. It can be valuable for identifying link-building opportunities within your industry or niche.
  • Referring Domains:
    • Definition: Referring Domains refers to the number of unique domains linking to a website. Regardless of how many backlinks it provides, it counts each unique domain as a referring domain.
    • Use Case: More referring domains often indicate a more diverse and potentially more robust backlink profile. However, it’s vital to assess the quality of these domains’.
  • Backlink Anchor Text:
    • Definition: Backlink Anchor Text refers to the clickable text in a hyperlink. Majestic SEO provides information about the anchor text used in backlinks pointing to a website.
    • Use Case: Analyzing anchor text can help you understand how others link to your website and which keywords or phrases are commonly associated with your site. It can also reveal if there are opportunities to optimize anchor text for specific keywords.

These metrics collectively provide a comprehensive view of a website’s backlink profile, authority, trustworthiness, and thematic relevance. When assessing the SEO performance of a website or conducting competitor analysis, these metrics can be valuable in making informed decisions about link-building strategies, content creation, and overall SEO optimization.

Majestic SEO vs. Ahrefs

Majestic SEO:


  1. Backlink Database: Majestic SEO is renowned for its extensive backlink database, which is one of the largest in the industry. It provides comprehensive data on backlinks and referring domains.
  2. Trust Flow and Citation Flow: Majestic’s Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics are valuable for assessing the quality and quantity of backlinks, helping users gauge the trustworthiness of websites.
  3. Historical Data: Majestic SEO offers historical backlink data, enabling users to track changes in backlink profiles over time.


  1. User Interface: Some users find the user interface of Majestic SEO to be less user-friendly compared to other tools, which can make it challenging for beginners.
  2. Keyword Research: While Majestic SEO offers some keyword research features, it may not be as robust in this area as Ahrefs.



  1. Comprehensive Toolset: Ahrefs is known for its comprehensive suite of SEO tools, including backlink analysis, keyword research, site auditing, and rank tracking.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Ahrefs has an intuitive and user-friendly interface that appeals to both beginners and experienced SEO professionals.
  3. Fresh Backlink Data: Ahrefs provides up-to-date backlink data, which can be important for tracking real-time changes in your backlink profile or your competitors’.


  1. Cost: Ahrefs can be relatively expensive, especially for smaller businesses or individuals with tight budgets.
  2. Limited Historical Data: While Ahrefs offers a wealth of data, it may not provide as extensive historical backlink data as Majestic SEO.

Majestic SEO vs. Moz

Majestic SEO:


  1. Backlink Data: Majestic SEO’s strength lies in its backlink data, making it a preferred choice for in-depth backlink analysis.
  2. Trust Flow and Citation Flow: Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics help users assess the quality and trustworthiness of websites, which can be particularly valuable for link-building strategies.


  1. Keyword Research: Majestic SEO may not be as comprehensive in keyword research as Moz.
  2. Additional SEO Features: It may lack some of the broader SEO features offered by Moz, such as on-page SEO recommendations and site crawling.



  1. Comprehensive SEO Suite: Moz offers a range of SEO tools, including keyword research, site audits, rank tracking, and on-page optimization recommendations.
  2. User-Friendly: Moz’s tools are known for their user-friendly interface and ease of use.


  1. Backlink Data: While Moz provides backlink data, it may not offer the same level of depth and detail as Majestic SEO.
  2. Limited Historical Data: Moz’s historical backlink data might not be as extensive as what Majestic SEO offers.

Ultimately, the choice between Majestic SEO, Ahrefs, and Moz depends on your specific needs, budget, and preferences. Majestic SEO excels in backlink analysis and trust metrics, while Ahrefs offers a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, and Moz provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features. Consider your SEO goals and priorities when selecting the tool that best suits your needs.

How to Get Started with Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO is a powerful tool for analyzing backlinks and conducting SEO research. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started with Majestic SEO:

1. Creating an Account:

  • Visit the Majestic SEO Website: Go to the official website at
  • Sign Up: Click on the “Sign Up” or “Create Account” button, usually in the website’s upper right corner.
  • Fill in Your Details: Provide the required information to create your account. This typically includes your name, email address, and password.
  • Verification: Verify your account by following any verification steps, such as confirming your email address or completing a captcha.
  • Choose a Plan: Majestic SEO offers both free and paid plans. Choose the plan that best suits your needs and budget. Free plans offer limited features, while paid plans provide more comprehensive access to Majestic’s tools and data.
  • Billing Information (if applicable): If you select a paid plan, you must provide billing information to complete the subscription process.
  • Login: After creating your account, log in using your credentials.

2. Navigating the Dashboard:

  • Once logged in, you’ll land on the Majestic SEO dashboard.
  • FamiliarizeFamiliarize yourself with the dashboard’s layout. You’ll typically find navigation menus, options to access various tools and reports, and key metrics on the dashboard.
  • The dashboard is your starting point for accessing different features, researching, and managing your projects.

3. Setting Up Projects:

  • Before analyzing websites and backlinks, you should set up projects to organize your work.
  • Look for a “Projects” or “Add New Project” option in the dashboard. Click on it.
  • Name your project and provide any necessary details. You can organize tasks based on specific websites, campaigns, or clients.
  • Save your project, and it will be accessible from your dashboard.

4. Running Reports:

  • Select the appropriate tool from the dashboard or navigation menu to analyze a website or perform specific SEO research. Majestic SEO offers tools like Site Explorer, Backlink Analysis, Keyword Checker, and more.
  • Enter the URL or keywords relevant to your analysis.
  • Configure any additional options or filters as needed for your analysis.
  • Click the “Run” or “Submit” button to generate the report.
  • Review the report’s results, which can include backlink data, trust metrics, keyword insights, and more, depending on your tool.
  • Use the insights from these reports to inform your SEO strategy, identify link-building opportunities, and track your website’s performance.

Getting started with Majestic SEO involves the following:

  • Creating an account.
  • Navigating the dashboard.
  • Setting up projects to organize and organize your work.
  • Using the various tools and reports to conduct in-depth SEO research.

Explore the features and data available to make the most of this powerful SEO tool.

Majestic SEO Pricing

Majestic SEO offers a range of subscription tiers and pricing options to cater to the needs of different users, from individuals and small businesses to larger enterprises. Below, I’ll outline the key aspects of Majestic SEO’s pricing structure:

1. Subscription Tiers:

Majestic SEO offers three main subscription tiers:

  • Lite: This is the most basic plan for individuals and small businesses. It provides limited access to Majestic’s features and data.
  • Pro: The Pro plan offers more features and data than the Lite plan. It’s designed for users who require more in-depth SEO analysis.
  • API: The API plan is intended for developers and businesses that need programmatic access to Majestic’s data for custom applications and tools.

2. Free vs. Paid Features:

Majestic SEO offers both free and paid features. Here’s a comparison:

Free Features:

  • Limited access to Majestic’s backlink database.
  • Basic backlink metrics like Trust Flow, Citation Flow, and backlink counts.
  • Access to some historical backlink data.
  • Limited keyword research capabilities.

Paid Features (varies by plan):

  • Full access to Majestic’s backlink database, providing comprehensive data on backlinks and referring domains.
  • In-depth backlink analysis, including anchor text, source URLs, and more.
  • Historical backlink data with extended date ranges.
  • Enhanced keyword research tools, including keyword difficulty and search volume data.
  • Access to Topical Trust Flow and other advanced metrics.
  • Integration with Majestic’s API for programmatic access.

The specific features and data available depend on the subscription tier you choose. Higher-tier plans offer more extensive access to Majestic’s tools and data.

3. Pricing Models:

Majestic SEO offers different pricing models based on your subscription tier:

  • Monthly Subscription: You can subscribe to Majestic SEO every month, allowing you to pay each month for access to the chosen plan.
  • Annual Subscription: A yearly subscription offers a cost-saving option where you pay for 12 months of access upfront. This often comes with a discount compared to the monthly rate.
  • API Pricing: The API subscription is typically priced separately and may be based on factors such as the number of API calls or the level of access required.

Please note that Majestic SEO’s pricing may change over time, and the specific features and pricing details may vary. It’s advisable to visit the Majestic SEO website or contact their sales team for the most up-to-date pricing and subscription options information. Some plans may offer trial periods or limited free access, allowing you to test the platform before committing to a paid subscription.

 Everyday Use Cases for Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO is a versatile tool with a wide range of applications in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Here are some everyday use cases for Majestic SEO:

  • SEO Audits:
    • Backlink Profile Analysis: Majestic SEO is valuable for conducting comprehensive SEO audits. It helps you assess the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to your website. It allows you to identify toxic backlinks that may harm your rankings or opportunities for building high-quality links.
    • Trust and Authority Assessment: You can use Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics to evaluate the trustworthiness and authority of your backlink profile. This information is crucial for understanding your website’s overall SEO health.
    • Identifying Issues: Majestic SEO can uncover broken backlinks or redirects that may negatively affect user experience and SEO performance.
  • Link Building:
    • Backlink Discovery: Majestic SEO’s extensive backlink database helps you discover potential link-building opportunities. You can find websites and pages linking to your competitors but not to your site, enabling you to reach out for link acquisition.
    • Competitor Analysis: Analyzing your competitors’ backlink profiles can reveal their successful link-building strategies. You can then replicate or improve these strategies to enhance your link profile.
    • Anchor Text Optimization: By examining the anchor text used in backlinks, you can optimize your link-building efforts to target specific keywords and improve your search engine rankings.
  • Content Strategy:
    • Content Gap Analysis: Majestic SEO can help you identify gaps in your content strategy by revealing the topics and keywords driving backlinks to your competitors’ content. This information guides your content creation efforts.
    • Content Promotion: Understanding which websites link to your content can aid outreach and content promotion. You can reach out to those sites to increase the visibility of your content.
  • Competitor Analysis:
    • Backlink Benchmarking: Compare your website’s backlink profile to your competitors. Identify websites linking to competitors but not your site and devise strategies to acquire those links.
    • Keyword Research: Analyze the keywords your competitors are targeting and ranking for. This information can inform your own keyword targeting and content optimization strategies.
    • Content Insights: Explore the content attracting your competitors’ backlinks and social shares. Use this information to inspire your content marketing efforts.

These everyday use cases highlight how Majestic SEO can be a valuable tool for optimizing your website’s SEO performance, improving your backlink profile, enhancing your content strategy, and staying competitive in your industry. Whether you’re conducting SEO audits, building links, planning content, or analyzing competitors, Majestic SEO provides valuable insights to inform your decisions and actions.

Tips and Best Practices for Using Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO provides a wealth of data and insights for improving your SEO strategy. Here are some tips and best practices for effectively using Majestic SEO:

1. Interpreting Majestic SEO Data:

  • Understand Trust Flow and Citation Flow: Familiarize yourself with these metrics. Trust Flow indicates the trustworthiness of backlinks, while Citation Flow measures the quantity. Balance both metrics for a healthy backlink profile.
  • Analyze Backlink Profiles: Look for patterns in your backlink profile, such as the types of websites linking to you, the quality of backlinks, and the anchor text used. Identify toxic or spammy links that may need disavowing.
  • Use Topical Trust Flow: Topical Trust Flow helps you identify the thematic relevance of backlinks. Ensure that the topics of your backlinks align with your content and industry.
  • Track Changes Over Time: Regularly monitor your backlink profile’s evolution. Changes in Trust Flow, Citation Flow, or the number of referring domains can indicate shifts in your SEO performance.

2. Leveraging Insights for SEO Strategy:

  • Link Building Strategy: Use Majestic SEO to identify authoritative websites in your niche or industry. Contact them for guest posting, partnerships, or link acquisition opportunities.
  • Content Optimization: Analyze the anchor text of backlinks to understand which keywords are associated with your site. Use this information to optimize your content for those keywords.
  • Competitor Analysis: Continuously monitor your competitors’ backlink profiles and keywords. Emulate successful strategies and identify gaps in their SEO approach that you can exploit.
  • Keyword Research: Utilize Majestic SEO’s keyword research tools to discover high-value keywords with manageable competition. Incorporate these keywords into your content strategy.

3. Staying Updated with SEO Trends:

  • Follow Industry Blogs and News: Keep yourself informed about the latest developments in SEO by following industry blogs, forums, and news outlets. Staying updated is essential in the ever-changing field of SEO.
  • Attend SEO Conferences and Webinars: Participate in SEO conferences and webinars to learn from experts and gain insights into emerging trends and best practices.
  • Experiment and Adapt: SEO is an iterative process. Test different strategies, analyze the results, and adapt your approach accordingly. Majestic SEO’s data can help you assess the impact of your experiments.
  • Network with SEO Professionals: Engage with other SEO professionals through social media, forums, and professional networks. Sharing experiences and insights can help you stay updated and exchange valuable tips.
  • Read Google’s Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines to ensure your SEO practices align with search engine standards.

The Bottom Line

Majestic SEO is a robust and versatile tool that plays a significant role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It offers many benefits for website owners, digital marketers, and SEO professionals. Let’s recap some key benefits and offer final thoughts on its role in SEO.

Recap of Majestic SEO’s Benefits:

  1. Comprehensive Backlink Analysis: Majestic SEO provides detailed insights into backlink profiles, including Trust Flow, Citation Flow, and anchor text data. This is essential for understanding a website’s authority and link-building opportunities.
  2. Competitor Analysis: The tool allows users to compare their website’s performance to that of competitors, uncovering strategies that can be emulated or improved upon.
  3. Keyword Research: Majestic SEO offers keyword research capabilities, helping users identify relevant keywords to target in their content optimization efforts.
  4. Content Strategy: By analyzing anchor text and backlink data, Majestic SEO aids in content strategy development, ensuring that content aligns with targeted keywords and topics.
  5. Link Building: Users can discover valuable backlink opportunities by examining their backlink profiles and those of competitors.
  6. Trust Metrics: Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics provide insights into the quality and quantity of backlinks, helping users make informed decisions about link acquisition and disavowing toxic links.

Final Thoughts on Its Role in SEO:

Majestic SEO is crucial in the SEO toolkit, particularly for those who emphasize link-building and backlink analysis. Its role in SEO is multi-faceted:

  • Backlink Insights: Majestic SEO helps SEO professionals understand their website’s backlink profile, which is essential for improving search engine rankings and authority.
  • Competitive Advantage: By comparing your website to competitors and learning from their strategies, you can gain a competitive advantage in your industry.
  • Keyword Research: The keyword research features of Majestic SEO assist in discovering valuable keywords and optimizing content for better search visibility.
  • Content Strategy: Majestic SEO’s data guides content creation efforts, ensuring that content is aligned with SEO objectives and industry trends.

In conclusion, Majestic SEO’s benefits extend beyond individual tasks like backlink analysis and keyword research. It is a comprehensive SEO companion, enabling users to develop effective strategies, outperform competitors, and achieve better search engine rankings and online visibility. With other SEO tools and best practices, Majestic SEO can be a game-changer in your SEO endeavours.

/ Published posts: 1190

Shagufta Naz is a Multi-disciplinary Designer who is leading NewzFlex Product Design Team and also working on the Strategic planning & development for branded content across NewzFlex Digital Platforms through comprehensive research and data analysis. She is currently working as the Principal UI/UX Designer & Content-writer for NewzFlex and its projects, and also as an Editor for the sponsored section of NewzFlex.
