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Islamic Books in Urdu

Islamic Books in Urdu: A Treasure Trove of Knowledge and Spirituality


It is impossible to overstate the significance of books in a world where knowledge and information rule. Regarding Islamic literature, the richness of the Urdu language has played a pivotal role in preserving and propagating the teachings of Islam. This article delves into the world of Islamic books in Urdu, exploring their significance, diversity, and how they serve as a source of enlightenment and spiritual growth.

The Significance of Islamic Books in Urdu

Islamic literature has a profound influence on the lives of millions of Urdu-speaking Muslims around the world. The significance of these books lies in their ability to provide guidance, answer questions, and promote a deeper understanding of Islamic principles. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Preserving Religious Heritage

One of the primary roles of Islamic books in Urdu is preserving religious heritage. These books act as custodians of centuries-old knowledge, ensuring that the teachings of Islam are passed down through generations.

  • Accessible Knowledge

As a widely spoken language, Urdu makes Islamic knowledge accessible to a vast audience. It bridges the gap between scholars and familiar individuals, allowing everyone to benefit from the wisdom contained within these texts.

  • Spiritual Enlightenment

Islamic books in Urdu often delve into matters of spirituality and inner peace. They provide readers with insights into the spiritual dimensions of Islam, aiding in personal growth and connection with the divine.

Exploring the Diversity of Islamic Books

Islamic literature in Urdu is incredibly diverse, covering many topics. Here are some categories that these books encompass:

  • Quranic Commentaries (Tafsir)

Tafsir books in Urdu offer interpretations of the Quranic verses, helping readers grasp the deeper meanings and contexts of the holy text.

  • Hadith Collections

These books compile the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They are invaluable sources of guidance for Muslims.

  • Fiqh and Islamic Jurisprudence

Books on fiqh lay down the principles of Islamic law, guiding individuals on matters of worship, ethics, and daily life.

  • Sufism and Spirituality

Urdu literature boasts an array of books on Sufism, the mystical dimension of Islam. These texts explore the path to spiritual enlightenment and closeness to God.

The Role of Islamic Books in Education

Islamic books in Urdu are a source of spiritual guidance and a vital role in education. They serve as the foundation for Islamic studies in madrasas (religious schools) and are often used as reference material in academic institutions. These books enable students to understand the core tenets of Islam, its history, and its cultural significance.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, Islamic books in Urdu are a treasure trove of knowledge and spirituality. They play a crucial role in preserving the Islamic heritage, providing accessible knowledge, and guiding individuals on their spiritual journeys. Whether you seek a deeper understanding of Islam or a source of inspiration, these books offer a wealth of wisdom and insight.


  • Where can I find Islamic books in Urdu?

You can find Islamic books in Urdu at local bookstores, online retailers, and Islamic libraries. Many websites also offer free digital copies for download.

  • Are there any famous Urdu authors of Islamic books?

Several renowned Urdu authors have made significant contributions to Islamic literature, including Allama Iqbal, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, and Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi.

  • Can non-Muslims benefit from reading Islamic books in Urdu?

Absolutely! Islamic books in Urdu offer valuable insights into the religion and culture of Muslims. They can help non-Muslims gain a better understanding of Islam and its teachings.

  • Are there any recommended books for beginners in Islamic studies?

For beginners, “The Meaning of the Quran” by Abdullah Yusuf Ali and “In the Footsteps of the Prophet” by Tariq Ramadan are excellent starting points.

  • How can I support the preservation of Islamic literature in Urdu?

You can support the preservation of Islamic literature by donating to Islamic libraries, supporting initiatives that digitize rare manuscripts, and promoting the reading of Islamic books in your community.


List Of Islamic Books in Urdu

Daawat e Islami aur is ka tareeqa kaar   دعوت اسلامی اور اس کا طریقہ کار
Daawat   دعوت
Deen aur Shariyat   دین اور شریعت
Deen Haq   دین حق
Eid ki Mubarak baad kai haqeeqi mustahiq kon hain   عید کی مبارک باد کے حقیقی مستحق کون ہیں
Islam ka ser chashma e Quwwat   اسلام کا سر چشمہ قوت
Al Qudus   القدس
Banao Aur Bigaar   بنائو اور بگاڑ
Aqal ka faisla   عقل کا فیصلہ
Apni islaah aap   اپنی اصلاح آپ
Alim e Islam ki Tameer main Musalman talaba ka kirdaar   عالم اسلام کی تعمیر میں مسلمان طلبہ کا کردار
Hijrat sai Nizamat Tak – Naimatullah Khan  ہجرت سے نظامت تک – نعمت اللہ خان
Hidayaat ہدایات
Masla Ta’ddud e Azwaj مسئلہ تعدّدِ ازواج
Sarwar-e-Alam PBUH سرورِ عالم ﷺ
Shahadat e Imam Hussain شہادت امام حسین
Tahreek e Islami Kamyabi ki Sharait تحریکِ اسلامی کامیابی کی شرائط
Tauheed o Risalat aur Zindagi baad Maut ka Aqli Saboot توحید و رسالت اور زندگی بعد موت کا عقلی ثبوت
Tehzebi Kashmakash main Ilm o Tahqeeq ka Kirdar تہذیبی کشمکش میں علم و تحقیق کا کردار
Quran Ki 4 Bunyadi Istelahain قرآن کی چار بنیادی اسطلاحیں
Tahreek e Islami Aik Tariekh Aik Dastan تحریک اسلامی – ایک تاریخ، ایک داستان
Intekhab-e-Hadith انتحابِ حدیث
Karkun_Aur_Qiyadat_sai_tahreek_kai_taqaazay کارکن اور قیادت سے تحریک کے تقاضے
Deenyaat دینیات
Kitaab-us-Soum کتاب الصوم
Tauheed aur Rasaalat توحید اور رسالت
Salamti ka Rasta سلامتی کا راستہ
Islam aur Jahiliat اسلام اور جاہلیت
Deen e Haqq دین حق
Islam ka Ikhlaqi Nuqta e Nazar اسلام کا اخلاقی نقطہ نظر
Tahreek e Islami ki Ikhlaqi Bunyaden تحریک اسلامی کی اخلاقی بنیادیں
Banao aur Bigaar بناؤ اور بگاڑ
Jihad Fi Sabeel Allah جہاد فی سبیل اللہ
Shahadat e Haqq شہادتِ حق
Musalmanon ka Mazi o Haal aur Mustaqbil مسلمانوں کا ماضی وحال اور مستقبل
Islam ka Nizam e Hayat اسلام نظامِ حیات
Asma ul husna اسماء الحسنیٰ
Tahreek aur Karkun تحریک اور کارکن
Pardah پردہ
Mohammad-e-Arbi PBUH محمد عربی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم
Zad-e-Rah زاد راہ
Aadab-e-Zindagi آداب زندگی
Khutbat خطبات
Al Jihad Fil Islam الجہاد فی السلام
Fareeza E Iqamat-e-Deen فریضئہ اقامت دین
Islam aur Jadeed Maashi Nazaryat اسلام اور جدید معاشی نظریات
Khawateen aur deeni masail خواتین اور دینی مسائل
Tajdeed O Ehya E Deen تجدید و احیاء دین
Infaq_o_Sadaqat انفاق اور صدقات
Ehsan_kiya_hai احسان کیا ہے
Hasraten حسرتیں
Bandagi_Rab_kai_Taqazay بندگی رب کے تقاضے
Makateeb An-Nabi PBUH مکاتیب النبی
Taluq Billah Ki Bunyadain تعلق باللہ کی  بنیادیں
Karkunan kai Bahmi Taaluqaat کارکنان کے باھمی تعلقات
Tehreek E Islami Ka Ainda Laehee Amal تحریک اسلامی کا آیندہ لا ئحہ عمل
Masala-e-Jabr O Qadr مسئلہ جبر و قدر 
Islami tehzeeb aur us kay usool O mubadi اسلامی تہزیب اور اس کے اصول اور  مبادی
Tahreek-e-Azadi-e- hind aur Muslman 1 تحریک آزادی ہند اور مسلمان  ۱
Tahreek-e-Azadi-e- hind aur Muslman 2 تحریک آزادی ہند اور مسلمان  ۲
Sood سود
Sunnat ki aaeeni hasiat سنت کی آئینی حیثیت
Khilafat O Malookeyat خلافت و ملوکیت
Istefsaraat 1 استفسارات  ۱
Istefsaraat 2 استفسارات  ۲
Fazail-e-Quraan فضائل قرآن
Maashiyat-e-islam معاشیات اسلام
Tanqeehat تنقیحات
Taalluq Billah تعلق با اللہ
Taleemat تعلیمات
Islami Riyasat اسلامی ریاست
Mohsin-e-Insaniat محسن انسانیت
Al-Maudoodi المودودی
Maudoodi par etrazat ka elmi jaeza 1 مودودی پر اعتراضات کا علمی جائزہ  ۱
Maudoodi par etrazat ka elmi jaeza 2 مودودی پر اعتراضات کا علمی جائزہ  ۲
Narazgi e Rab say Bachnay kay tareeqay  ناراضگئی رب سے بچنے کے طریقے
Jamaat-e-Islami ka Jaeyza جماعت اسلامی کا جائزہ
Tafheem par Etarazaat ki Elmi Kamzoorian تفہیم پر اعتراضات کی علمی کمزوریاں
Khilafat-o-Malukiat par etrazat ka jaeza خلافت و ملوکیت پراعتراضات  کا علمی جائزہ
Islam aur jadeed zehen kay shubhaat اسلام اور جدید ذہن کے شہبات
Khutbat-e-Medras خطبات  مدراس
Asan Fiqh 1 آسان فقہ ۱
Asan Fiqh 2 آسان فقہ ۲
Kuliyat-e-Iqbal  کلیات  اقبال
Al Raheeq Al-Makhtoom الرحیق المختوم
Tazkia-e-Nafs 1 تزکیہ نفس  ۱
Tazkia-e-Nafs 2 تزکیہ نفس  ۲
Rahey Amal راہ عمل
Wehdat-e-Ummat وحدت امت
Jihad-e-Islami جہاد اسلامی
Taqseem Meeraas تقسیم میراث
Behtay Lahoo ki kahani بہتے لہو کی کہانی
Khutbaat-e-Europe خطبات یورپ
Assas-e-deen ki Tameer اساس دین کی تعمیر
Jadeed Jahayleeat جدید جاہلیت
Jada E Manzil جادہ منزل
Roodad E Jamat-e-Islami 1 روداد جماعت اسلامی  ۱
Roodad E Jamat-e-Islami 2 روداد جماعت اسلامی  ۲
Roodad E Jamat-e-Islami 3 روداد جماعت اسلامی  ۳
Khulasa-e-Quraan خلاصہ قرآن
Tafheemat 1 تفہیمات  ۱
Tafheemat 2 تفہیمات  ۲
Tafheemat 3 تفہیمات  ۳
Tafheemat 4 تفہیمات  ۴
Tafheemat 5 تفہیمات  ۵
Rasael O Masayl 1 رسائل و مسائل  ۱
Rasael O Masayl 2  رسائل و مسائل  ۲
Rasael O Masayl 3 رسائل  و مسائل  ۳
Rasael O Masayl 4 رسائل و مسائل  ۴
Rasael O Masayl 5 رسائل  و مسائل  ۵

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