Gotma Buddha
Gotma Buddha More than two thousand five hundred years ago, there lived in India, in the shadow of the Himalayas, with a tribe called theRead More »Gotma Buddha
Gotma Buddha More than two thousand five hundred years ago, there lived in India, in the shadow of the Himalayas, with a tribe called theRead More »Gotma Buddha
Yusuf Raza Gilani (1952) Yusuf Raza Gilani is a Saraiki of Iranian descent, from a prominent family of landlords and spiritual leaders in southern Punjab.Read More »Yousaf Raza Gillani (1952 )
Melinda Gates American businesswoman and philanthropist Melinda Gates, née Melinda Ann French, (born August 15, 1964, in Dallas, Texas, U.S.), an American businesswoman and philanthropistRead More »Melinda Gates American businesswoman and philanthropist
Hazrat Fatima bint Muhammad (peace be upon him) Hazrat Fatimah R.A(born between 605 and 615 CE, died sometime in 632 CE; the date of deathRead More »Hazrat Fatima bint Muhammad (peace be upon him)
What Is Included in a Biography? Key Elements There are certain situations in life where you will be asked to put in writing about peopleRead More »What Is Included in a Biography? Key Elements
Who Is Dr. Hasnat – The Character To Be Played By Humayun Saeed The news of Humayun Saeed playing the character of Dr. Hasnat KhanRead More »Who Is Dr. Hasnat – The Character To Be Played By Humayun Saeed
Elizabeth Blackwell: The ‘first female doctor’ in history whose men voted unanimously against her admission to medical college Elizabeth had eight other siblings and theyRead More »Elizabeth Blackwell: The ‘first female doctor’ in history whose men voted unanimously against her admission to medical college