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What Causes Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

Dark Circles under the Eyes

Dark circles under the lower eyelids are common in men and ladies. Often in the course of bags, dark circles can cause you to appear older than you’re. to create matters worse, they will be difficult to urge eliminate.

Though they’ll affect anyone, dark circles are most common in people who:

  1. Are elderly
  2. Have a genetic predisposition to the present condition (periorbital hyperpigmentationTrusted Source)
  3. Are from non-white ethnic groups (darker skin tones are more vulnerable to hyperpigmentation around the eye area)

While fatigue could appear just like the most reasonable explanation for this condition, there is a variety of things that will contribute to dark circles under the eyes. In most cases, they’re no cause for concern and don’t require medical attention. Read on to find out more.

What causes dark circles?
There is a variety of contributing factors to dark circles. Some common causes include:

Oversleeping, extreme fatigue, or simply staying up some hours past your normal bedtime can cause dark circles to create under your eyes. Sleep deprivation can cause your skin to become dull and pale, with dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin to indicate.

Lack of sleep can also cause fluid to build underneath your eyes, causing them to look puffy. As a result, the dark circles you see may very well be shadows cast by your puffy eyelids.

Natural aging is another common explanation for those dark circles beneath your eyes. As you mature, your skin becomes thinner. you also lose the fat and collagen needed to keep up your skin’s elasticity. As this happens, the dark blood vessels beneath your skin become more visible causing the realm below your eyes to darken.

Staring at your television or display screen can cause significant strain on your eyes. This strain can cause blood vessels around your eyes to enlarge. As a result, the skin surrounding your eyes can darken.

Allergic reactions and eye dryness can trigger dark circles. once you have sensitivity, your body releases histamines as a response to harmful bacteria. aside from causing uncomfortable symptoms — including itchiness, redness, and puffy eyes — histamines also cause your blood vessels to dilate and become more visible beneath your skin.

Allergies may increase your urge to rub and scratch the itchy skin around your eyes. These actions can worsen your symptoms, causing inflammation, swelling, and broken blood vessels. this will end in dark shadows beneath your eyes.

Dehydration could be a common reason behind dark circles under your eyes. When your body isn’t receiving the correct amount of water, the skin beneath your eyes begins to appear dull and your eyes look sunken. this is often because of their close proximity to the underlying bone.

Sun overexposure
Overexposure to the sun can cause your body to supply far more than melanin, the pigment that has your skin color. An excessive amount of sun — particularly for your eyes — can cause pigmentation within the surrounding skin to darken.

Family history also plays a component in developing dark circles under your eyes. It will be an inherited trait seen early in childhood and will worsen as you age or slowly disappear. Predispositions to other medical conditions — like thyroid disease — may also lead to dark circles beneath your eyes.


At-Home treatments
Treatment for dark eye circles depends on the underlying cause. However, there are some home remedies that will help manage this condition. a number of the more common methods include:

  1. Apply a chilly compress. A chilly compress can help reduce swelling and shrink dilated blood vessels. This will reduce the looks of puffiness and help eliminate dark circles. Wrap some ice cubes in a very clean washcloth and apply to your eyes. you’ll be able to also dampen a washcloth with cold water and apply it to the skin under your eyes for 20 minutes for an identical effect. Repeat this process if the material becomes warm or if the ice melts.
  2. Get extra sleep. Catching au fait sleep may help reduce the looks of dark circles. Sleep deprivation can cause your skin to seem pale, making the dark circles more obvious. Allow yourself seven to eight hours of rest to forestall dark circles from appearing.
  3. Elevate your head. While sleep deprivation can play a component in producing those dark bags under your eyes, sometimes it’s how you sleep. Elevate your head with some pillows to forestall fluid from pooling under your eyes which might make them look puffy and swollen.
  4. Soak with tea bags. Applying cold tea bags to your eyes can improve their appearance. Tea contains caffeine and antioxidants which will help stimulate blood circulation, shrink your blood vessels, and reduce liquid retention beneath your skin. Soak two black or tea leaf bags in quandary for five minutes. allow them to chill within the refrigerator for 15 to twenty minutes. Once they’re cold, apply the tea bags to your closed eyes for 10 to twenty minutes. After removing, rinse your eyes with cool water.
  5. Conceal with makeup. While makeup and cosmetics don’t cure dark eye circles, they will help to camouflage them. Concealers can cover dark marks in order that they blend in together with your normal color. However, like any topical treatment or makeup product, use proper care. Some products can cause your symptoms to worsen and should trigger an aversion. If you start to experience irregular symptoms from any topical treatment, stop use immediately and schedule a visit along with your doctor.

Medical treatments
For a simpler and permanent solution, some medical treatments are available to cut back the looks of dark circles. a number of the more common methods include:

  1. Chemical peels to scale back pigmentation
  2. Laser surgery to resurface the skin and enhance skin tightening
  3. Medical tattoos to inject pigment into thinning skin areas
  4. Tissue fillers hide blood vessels and melanin that are causing skin discoloration beneath your eyes.
  5. Fat removal to get rid of excess fat and skin, revealing a smoother and more even surface
  6. Surgical implants of fat or synthetic products

Before choosing any cosmetic procedure, discuss your options with a doctor. Invasive medical treatments will be expensive, painful, and sometimes require a protracted recovery time.

The Bottom Line:
For many people, dark circles are temporary and are often a sign of aging or lack of sleep. Though there is a variety of at-home and medical treatments available to improve the looks of your eyes, dark circles are typically no cause for alarm. However, if the discoloration or swelling worsens over time, schedule a visit together with your doctor or dermatologist to make sure you have got correctly diagnosed the difficulty and are receiving the best treatment.

آنکھوں کے گرد سیاہ حلقوں

مردوں اور عورتوں میں سیاہ حلقے عام ہیں. وہ لوگ جن میں سیاہ حلقے سب سے زیادہ عام ہیں:

نمبر2:ایک جینیاتی پیش گوئی ہے (پریشانی ہائی ہائپرپرمنٹائزیشنرسٹل ذریعہ)
نمبر3:غیر سفید نسلی گروہوں سے ہیں (آنکھ کے علاقے کے ارد گرد ہائیپرپمنٹنگ کے لئے سیاہ جلد کی جلد زیادہ سے زیادہ شکار ہیں)

مزید برآں بہت سے عوامل موجود ہیں جو آنکھوں کے نیچے سیاہ حلقوں میں شراکت کر سکتے ہیں. تشویش کا کوئی سبب نہیں ہے اور طبی توجہ کی ضرورت بھی نہیں ہے. مزید جاننے کے لئے پڑھیں.

سیاہ حلقوں کی کیا وجہ ہے؟
سیاہ حلقوں کے لئے بہت سے اہم عوامل ہیں. کچھ عام وجوہات پیش خدمت ہیں:

oversleping، انتہائی تھکاوٹ، یا صرف چند گھنٹوں تک سونا اور نیند پوری نہ کرنا، سیاہ حلقوں کی وجہ بن سکتا ہے. نیند کی محرومیت آپ کی جلد کو سست اور پیلا بننے کا سبب بن سکتی ہے، جو آپ کی جلد کے نیچے سیاہحلقوں کی وجہ بنتی ہے.

قدرتی عمر آپ کی آنکھوں کے نیچے ان سیاہ حلقوں کی ایک اور عام وجہ ہے.

آنکھ کی کشیدگی
آپ کے ٹیلی ویژن یا کمپیوٹر اسکرین پر نظر لگانے کی وجہ سے آپ کی آنکھوں پر کشیدگی پیدا ہوسکتی ہے.

سوزش، سوجن، اور ٹوٹی ہوئی خون کی وریدوں کی وجہ سے. اس کے نتیجے میں آپ کی آنکھوں کے نیچے سیاہ سائے نمودار ہو سکتے ہیں.

ڈی ہائیڈریشن
ڈی ہائیڈریشن آپ کی آنکھوں کےنیچےسیاہ حلقوں کا ایک عام سبب ہے. جب آپ کے جسم کو مناسب مقدار میں پانی نہیں ملتا تو، آپ کی آنکھوں کے نیچے کی جلد سست نظر آتی ہے.

سورج کی اضافی دھوپ
سورج کی اضافی دھوپ آپ کے جسم میں میلانین زیادہ پیدا کرنے کا سبب بن سکتی ہے – جس کی نتیجے میں سیاہ حلقے نمودار ہوتے ہیں

خاندان کی تاریخ بھی آپ کی آنکھوں کے نیچے سیاہ حلقوں میں ایک کردار ادا کرتا ہے. یہایک وراثتی خاصیت بھی ہو سکتی ہے

گھر میں علاج
زیادہ عام طریقوں میں سے کچھ میں درج ذیل شامل ہیں:

نمبر1:اضافی نیند حاصل کریں.کم از کم سات سے آٹھ گھنٹے کی نیند پوری کریں.
نمبر2:چائے کی تھیلیاں کا استعمال کریں.چائے کی کیفین، خون کی گردش کو تیز کرنے میں مدد کرتی ہے.دو ٹی بیگ لے کر ان کو 15 سے 20 منٹ کے لئے ریفریجریٹر میں رکھ دیں. اس کے بعد، 10 سے 20 منٹ کے لئے آپ بند آنکھوں پر ٹی بیگز کو رکھیں بعد میں ٹھنڈے پانی سے دھو لیں.
نمبر3: کنسیلر کا استعمال کریں

طبی علاج
زیادہ مؤثر اور مستقل حل کے لئے، سیاہ حلقوں کی ظاہری شکل کو کم کرنے کے لئے کچھ طبی علاج دستیاب ہیں. کچھ عام طریقوں میںدرج ذیل شامل ہیں

نمبر1:پگمنٹیشن کو کم کرنے کے لئے کیمیائی پیلز
نمبر2:لیزر سرجری جلد کو دوبارہ بحال کرنے میں مدد کرتی ہے

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